Friday, July 31, 2009

Real Magic (Verse) with B.B, King Farm Aid Video 1985

Real Magic

I am a witchy woman

uncertain of her path
yet feeling
with a 7th sense of knowing
the tethers of a collective whole
feeling moved to speak

knowing that
nature has a love for living
It is innately self healing and forgiving

Long in neglect it will rise up and bless
the hand that tends each sign it sends

of need to seed it each pain to ease it
Our simple place in a most complex grace
No more than that to apease it

So I began…

The bees have returned
Drawn to
the flowers that drew
my first humming bird

tall plants in which to hide
brought wildlife back to abide

Food. Water. Shelter.
Offerings have always
fed not Gods but life passing by.

Do you not hear the call
to return to stewardship?

It was in the snow that fell twice past Mid-April
It was in the flooded crops of rivers breaching banks in June
It is in the coolest July I can ever remember

It is not true
that with enough money at stake
anything can wait or be bought and forced to

or that we can do nothing when we can not do everything
It was that line of reasoning that started all this.
Do you not see that greed is an obsession?

That we have traded self sufficiency
for convenience and dulled senses?
traded agriculture for industry

while our strong backed
sons and daughters
were working to make rich
captains of industry
manufacturing all that was homemade
for home and family needs

From textiles, needle arts and decorative
Profiting not only from our labor
But from selling us
All that no one was home to make

Dinners in a basket
Ho-hoes, Twinkies and Ding dongs

No more women in aprons
telling stories snapping beans
For the next day’s supper

family farms became factories
They wouldn’t bail out the farmer
But they bail out the banks

Now nothing is built to last
Poorly constructed designed
to break or be out date soon

with materials made to not biodegrade

add technology to our industry
Amass mountains of disposable products
metals to be harvested from

parts that release airborne toxins
Into the lungs of the children
that are the future

whole countries
hide their waste
out in the open
To wash up on tired shores
the premises being,
who gets around to

THAT side of the ocean
where the natives are poor
the coral is already dying and broken?

Centuries old knowledge and instincts
are being forgotten along with thousands
of years of resources depleted

Dumping a mix out of a box
and adding water
Is not
baking from scratch

and diamonds simulated in a lab
are not diamonds

Our children no longer have the know how
that our grandparents once did
they would feel lost in the dark
without a microwave

So let us begin again now
to speak to our elders
about how it all was done
before the rush to cities and towns

Let us begin to grow something
in any space we can

on roof tops and empty lots,
on sink edges and deck rails
in repurposed containers and old pots,

no land to call your own
go hydroponics in Tupperware
grow flowers or little care bulbs

it is the heart of the gardener
that is being grown
after all

And the real magic is in the earth

Let your feet feel the connection
and the dirt warm in your hand

It is healing
It is empowering
Imbibe in the color green

Let your shorn lawns grow long
to enrich the soil and protect it in drought

Plant fruits, berries and nuts
and they will come back
year after year

Save gas
shop and work at home
tend your part and I will mine

the land on which we stand
is but a square in an infinite amazement

not blanketing us but the very life
that runs though us and on beyond us

and know what the lies really are
If we tend it, it will heal
Food. Water. Shelter.
Everything multiplies.

You see the longer we think
it is too late to do anything
the longer we waste in wait
the more money they can make

feeding us upon single
servings individually wrapped
stuffed in a cardboard frame
so they won’t slosh in a near empty box

They show us how soon the end is near
how fast it will look like we were never here

When the waters
burst free
from all their trappings

when we are no longer here
to operate the locks and dams

our skyscrapers will crumble back to rainforests
in just a couple hundred years

Yet we can not go back fifty even half way
to save our species?

They want us to wait, they want us to procrastinate
They want us to debate and do what they tell us to
while they sell us more merchandise at 10 times the cost

How, I ask, can I sway you?
To for once
ponder how simple it would be
to sow instead of reap

To refuse to wipe your backside
on ancient forests
with one hand

While ordering up a plate
with the other
that pays for the raping
scraping raw of all life
upon the ocean floor
all flora and fauna

We are devouring
other life forms to extinction
every living thing including ourselves
on a daily basis

We need to reconnect to the memory
be less needy of our wants
more in touch with our needs
we would begin to live on less and have more

Just by stopping
all that buys our way into hell

Lets keep it real
at the rate we reproduce
we were once meat as well

try living as there is no trying dying

Brightfire Woman © 2009 All rights reserved.

This is B.B. King singing at the first farm aid in 1985 In Champaign, Illinois and I remember this number as I am looking up from below watching the sweat roll down his cheek and from the best I can tell since I am short I am one of those below stage level waving arms. Hey, I fought for that position starting from back bleachers. It seemed an appropriate reconnect. And my God I sure felt differently about crowds back is the first footage I have seen having been there I kinda missed the telethon at home. Also you will notice the tarp over the camera as we were soaked most the day in utter downpours. I remember thinking we were saving the farms for good...not so.

Whispers (Verse) with Whispers (Video)



I am overwhelmed by the unexpressed

emotions of family communications,

the talk of saying nothing more

and thinking of so much less.

I think none feel real;

seen and felt for who they are,

respected for how they live

what they think and do.

There are always whispers in the crowd.

Actions unexplained and seldom openly questioned.

This one is not there or that one had to run;

this one is once a year…

that one can not stay there.

Does every family bleed through their armor

wield words like weapons;

have landmines laced through all attempts

at social interactions?

Forgive you or not…

It is a tap dance on the butt of a wooden stake;

tapping tap-tap- mean mouth ill rapping,

fraction by fraction deeper,

into the heart of it doesn’t matter.


Brightfire Woman © 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Good cry(Verse) and videos

A Good Cry 

My heart breaks

with the weight of love

the pain of love

when held in tight

self-restrained contained

tears squeezed out bone dry

from not enough to wet a good cry

High cheeks round face

waist length hair hung warm brown

tickling a hesitant embrace

in theatre dim.

Strong voiced projection

… Flew Over

the Cuckoos Nest

Cinnamon warmth

meadow lush sweet

eyes shimmer shy downcast

traced my fingertips

Earthy innocent sweetness

dashed in darkness

An ice pick to the brain

love came

and went out the window

back when

tears fell like rain

Brightfire Woman © 2009